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- From: Kevin Savetz <savetz@rahul.net>
- Subject: Unofficial Internet Booklist (ver 0.5)
- Date: Sat, 18 Jun 1994 23:52:41 -0700 (PDT)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Unofficial Internet Book List
- The most complete bibliography of books about the Internet
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 0.5 - 19 June 1994 - Featuring LOTS of new book information. This
- is an interim release - I still have a towering stack of new books to
- review or add to the list.
- Send comments & updates to Kevin Savetz <savetz@rahul.net>.
- This document is copyright 1994 by Kevin M. Savetz. All rights reserved.
- More legal stuff is near the end of this file. This document is brand new
- and in transition. If you notice that an Internet-related book is
- missing, or information herein needs updating, please send e-mail to
- "savetz@rahul.net".
- *** Table of Contents
- Vital Statistics
- This Month's Featured Book
- Alphabetical List of Internet Books
- Upcoming titles
- Publisher/Ordering Information
- Internet Book Information & Updates Online
- Legal, Ethical and Moral Stuff
- Where to Find this Document
- *** Vital Statistics
- Number of books in this list: 106
- Least expensive book: free (Guide for Accessing California Legislative
- Info, NetPages)
- Most expensive book: $70 (OPAC Directory 1994)
- Thickest book: 1380 pages (The Internet Unleashed)
- Thinnest book: 10 pages (The Internet at a Glance)
- [These stats based on information I have on hand, not guaranteed.]
- *** This Month's Featured Book [updated 19 June 1994]
- Title: Netiquette
- Author: Virginia Shea
- Publisher: Albion Books
- ISBN: 0-9637025-1-3
- Price: $19.95
- Pages: 154
- Published: 1994
- For more information: info@albion.com
- This slim book does an excellent job of helping those new to Cyberspace
- learn the basic tenants of Netiquette - or "network etiquette." I can't
- imagine how much trouble and how many mumbled apologies would be averted
- if everyone read this book before posting that first message. Netiquette
- is easy to read and loaded with interesting real-life examples. Chapters
- cover the etiquette of e-mail and of discussion groups as well as
- providing excellent netiquette guidelines for business, home and school
- use. Particularly useful sections cover "electronic style" and the "core
- rules" of the online world. One chapter covers copyright issues and
- another the etiquette of e-mail privacy. There's even a tiny chapter on
- "Love & Sex in Cyberspace".
- This book is filled with good advice for living you life online and off.
- Useful tidbits include: "Don't cheat on your spouse (and if you do, don't
- do it on company time)", "Don't CC: Steve Jobs on your analysis of the
- war in Bosnia" and the vague but truest rule, "Don't do stupid things."
- All very good advice. This book should be required reading for anyone
- collecting their Internet Learner's Permit. Highly recommended. You can
- retrieve a brief excerpt from Netiquette: "The Core Rules of Netiquette"
- by sending email to netiquette-request@albion.com with the words "archive
- send core" in the subject line.
- *** Alphabetical List of Internet Books
- Title: All About Internet FTP: Learning and Teaching to Transfer Files on
- the Internet
- Author: David Robison
- Publisher: Library Solutions Press
- ISBN: 1-882208-04-8 (book alone) or 1-882208-06-4 (book with diskettes)
- Price: $30 ($45 with disk)
- Pages: 90
- Published: 1994
- For more information: (510) 841-2636, or alipow@library.berkeley.edu
- Notes: For use by Internet trainers or for self-study.
- Title: Everybody's Guide to the Internet
- Author: Adam Gaffin
- Publisher: M.I.T. Press
- ISBN: 0-262-57105-6
- Price: $14.95
- Pages: about 260
- Published: July, 1994
- For more information: ?
- Thanks for the info: Adam Gaffin (adamg@world.std.com)
- Notes: This is basically a printed version of version 2.2 of the EFF's
- online guide "The Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet", plus an index.
- Litigious lawyers from another publishing house prevented the printed
- version from sharing the same name.
- Title: Canadian Internet Handbook
- Author: Jim Carroll and Rick Broadhead
- Publisher: Prentice Hall Canada
- ISBN: 0-13-304395-9
- Price: $16.95
- Pages: 414
- Published: 1994
- For more information: handbook@uunet.ca. For orders: Toll-free in Canada:
- 1-800-567-3800. U.S. and Overseas: +1 (416) 293-3621
- Notes: If you live in Canada, get this book. It contains sections about
- getting Internet access in Canada, growth of 'net use there, short basic
- sections about how to use of some of the most popular Internet tools, a
- huge directory of Canadian Internet service providers, and even more huge
- list of gopher servers and campus-wide information systems in Canada and
- to top it off, lists of Canadian-based Usenet groups, WWW, Archie, IRC
- servers and online catalogs. I wish I lived in Canada just so I could
- make more use of this book.
- Title: The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Internet
- Author: Peter Kent
- Publisher: Alpha Books
- ISBN: 1-56761-414-0
- Price: $19.95
- Pages: 386
- Goodies: DOS disk
- Published: 1994
- For more information: 800-428-5331 or 317-581-3500
- Notes:
- Title: The Complete Internet Directory
- Author: Eric Braun
- Publisher: Fawcett
- ISBN: ?
- Price: $25
- Pages: 325
- Published: 1993
- For more information:
- Notes: A directory of newsgroups, discussion lists, FTP sites and so on,
- with just a few pages on how to use these resources.
- Title: Computers Under Attack: Intruders, Worms, and Viruses
- Author: Peter Denning
- Publisher: ACM Press/Addison-Wesley
- ISBN: 0-201-53067-8
- Price: $23.95
- Pages: 574
- Published: 1990
- For more information: ?
- Thanks for the info: John Quarterman in RFC 1432
- Notes: Details of celebrated network security cases. Includes Stoll's
- original article about the Wiley Hacker, and responses and articles by
- others on the same subject. Has extensive coverage of the 1988 Internet
- Worm. Also includes information on viruses. Has quite a bit of material
- on the cultures of the networks, and on social, legal, and ethical
- matters. Starts with the standard historical network papers, including
- "Notable Computer Networks" by Quarterman and Hoskins.
- Title: Connecting to the Internet
- Author: Susan Estrada
- Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
- ISBN: 1-56592-061-9
- Price: $15.95
- Pages: 170
- Published: 1993.
- Notes: This small book focuses on choosing the best type of network
- connection for your personal, school or business needs, and how to get
- the best price for the type of access you require. Explains the
- differences between SLIP, PPP, ISDN, X.25 and other options. Includes an
- extensive list of Internet service providers. This is a single-purpose
- book, telling how to choose a connection and get online. It doesn't try
- to teach you how to use the 'net once you're there. That is graceful in
- its simplicity.
- Title: Crossing the Internet Threshold: an Instructional Handbook
- Author: Roy Tennant, John Ober and Anne Lipow
- Publisher: Library Solutions Press
- ISBN: 1-883308-01-3
- Price: $45
- Pages: 134
- Published: 1993
- For more information: (510) 841-2636. FTP for info:
- simsc.si.edu:/networks/crossing.ad
- Thanks for the info: Robert Slade <ROBERTS@decus.ca>
- Notes: An instructional package for librarians teaching Internet basics.
- This book is useful for newcomers to the Internet. This book is useful
- for trainers. This book is useful for librarians. Ultimately, this book
- is most useful for those training librarians who are new to the Internet.
- A newcomer to the Internet might find this material a bit disorganized,
- but very definitely helpful and useful. It is heartening to see the very
- strong emphasis on Internet etiquette and culture which all too often
- gets short shrift, even in introductory guides. The grouping of
- discussion lists and electronic journals with email is a logical
- extension which is not always made. The work is not limited to the
- novice, though; many Internet users would find the fact sheets to be a
- handy quick reference.
- Title: The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer
- Espionage
- Author: Clifford Stoll
- Publisher: Doubleday
- ISBN: 0-385-24946-2
- Price: $5.95
- Pages: 332
- Published: 1989
- For more information: ?
- Notes: A spy novel, except it's true: a first person account by a down-
- on-his-luck Berkeley astronomer who with others tracked down a KGB
- network spy. Contains a very good recipe for chocolate chip cookies, too!
- Title: Cyberpunk,
- Author: Katie Hafner and John Markoff
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster
- ISBN: 0-671-68322-5
- Price: $22.95
- Pages: 368
- Published: 1991
- Thanks for the info: John Quarterman in RFC 1432
- Notes: Interviews with some of the crackers who have appeared
- conspicuously in the press in the past few years. One of the co-authors
- is the New York Times reporter who broke the Morris story to the public.
- Very readable.
- Title: DFUe - Ein Handbuch. Recherchen in weltweiten Netzen
- Language: German
- Authors: Martin Rost & Michael Schack
- Publisher: Heise-Verlag, Hannover
- ISBN: 3-88229-026-9
- Price: 58 DM
- Pages: 389
- Published: 1993
- Fore more information: maro@toppoint.de
- It's an introduction to Internet (e-mail, FTP, telnet, IRC, archie,
- gopher, hytelnet, wais, WWW), uucp-Net, Bitnet (Netserver, Listservs,
- Trickle-Server, Bitftp, Astra), WIN, FidoNet, MausNet and Z-Net with many
- examples for each.
- Title: Directory of Directories on the Internet: A Guide to Information
- Sources
- Author: Gregory B. Newby
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-768-2
- Price: $29.50
- Pages: 153
- Published: 1993
- For more information: gbnewby@uiuc.edu
- Notes: Intended for those who need to identify Internet information
- resources that point to other resources.
- Title: Doing Business on the Internet
- Author: Mary Cronin
- Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold
- ISBN: 0-442-01770-7
- Price: $29.95
- Pages: 308
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Thanks for the info: matisse@well.sf.ca.us (J Matisse Enzer)
- Notes: Promotional info says: One view of how the Internet has changed
- the way some companies are doing business. Must reading for anyone
- looking at the impact of the Internet on commerce and why Internet access
- is becoming critical for businesses. Matisse Enzer says: Excellent
- overview and detailed discussion of the Internet from a business users'
- perspective. An entirely non-technical book, Doing Business discusses the
- commercial aspects and issues of the Internet: advertising, research,
- customer contact, etc. Highly recommended.
- Title: DOS User's Guide to the Internet
- Author: James Gardner
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- ISBN: 0-13-106873-3
- Price: $34.95
- Pages: 308
- Goodies: DOS disk
- Published: 1993
- For more information: (515) 284-6751 or phyllis@prenhall.com
- Thanks for the info: Robert Slade <ROBERTS@decus.ca>
- Notes: A minimalist software package and manual for setting up a UUCP
- connection for mail and news. This title is almost completely misleading.
- This book is not for DOS users, except that you must be running DOS to
- run the MKS UUCP for DOS programs for which this book is a manual. This
- book is also not about the Internet, as such. Both the specifics and the
- concepts refer to UUCP rather than the Internet. The text of the book
- does point out that there are differences, but the examples given relate
- to UUCP. That said, for those who are interested in making their first
- move to a direct Internet connection, this could be an excellent choice.
- UUCP was designed to be quite comfortable with dialup connections, and
- this book and associated programs, help to automate a number of the
- connection functions while freeing the user from much of the technical
- detail that TCP/IP requires.
- Title: The Easy Internet handbook
- Author: Javed Mostafa, Thomas Newell, Richard Trenthem
- Publisher: Hi Willow Research and Publishing
- ISBN: 0-931510-50-3
- Price: $20
- Pages: 150
- Published: 1994
- For more information: tnewell@fiat.gslis.utexas.edu or 800-237-6124
- Notes:
- Title: Electronic Style: A Guide to Citing Electronic Information
- Author: Xia Li and Nancy Crane
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-909-X
- Price: $15
- Pages: 80
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ?
- Notes: Here is where to find out how to cite in your bibliographies
- references found von the Internet, on CD-ROMs and online database
- searches.
- Title: The Electronic Traveler: Directory Of Tourism Information Sources
- Author: M. L. Endicott
- Publisher: ?
- ISBN: ?
- Price: $50.00
- Pages: ?
- Published: May 1994
- For more information: Marcus L. Endicott <mendicott@igc.apc.org>
- Notes: From the publisher's info: As the title of this new book says, The
- Electronic Traveler is a directory of tourism information available to
- everyone with a computer and a telephone: it is a guidebook to online
- travel information sources. It explains in plain English exactly what
- travel and tourism information is available on the information highway
- and how to access it. It covers theInternet, popular proprietary
- interactive systems, Computer Reservation Systems (CRSs), independent
- bulletin board systems (BBSs), and commercial fulltext databases.
- Title: The Electronic Traveller: Exploring Alternative Online Systems
- Author: Elizabeth Powell Crowe
- Publisher: Windcrest/McGraw-Hill
- ISBN: 0-8306-4498-9
- Price: $16.95
- Pages: ?
- Published: ?
- For more information: ?
- Notes:
- Title: The Elements of E-Mail Style
- Author: David Angell & Brent Heslop
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley
- ISBN: 0-201-62709-4
- Price: $12.95
- Pages: 157
- Published: March 1994
- For more information: dangell@shell.portal.com
- Thanks for the info: David F Angell (dangell@shell.portal.com)
- Notes: How to write effective e-mail. It simplifies and summarizes
- essential writing techniques so users can upgrade their writing skills
- and see their e-mail make maximum impact in minimal time.
- Title: EcoLinking: Everyone's Guide to Online Environmental Information
- Author: Don Rittner
- Publisher: Peachpit Press
- ISBN: 0-938151-35-5
- Price: $18 95
- Pages: 368
- Published: 1992
- For more information: (800) 283-9444
- Notes: Directed at concerned citizens, environmentalists and scientists
- interested in sharing ideas and research on environmental issues. Covers
- resources on FIDONET, BITNET, INTERNET, USENET, local bulletin boards,
- America Online, CompuServe, EcoNet, GENIE, WELL.
- Title: Exploring the Internet: a Technical Travelogue
- Author: Carl Malamud
- Publisher: Prentice-Hall
- ISBN: 0-13-296898-3
- Price: $26.95
- Pages: 379
- Published: 1992
- For more information: (515) 284-6751
- Thanks for the info: Robert Slade <ROBERTS@decus.ca>
- Notes: A look at the Internet and the emerging global village in 21
- countries and 56 cities. Not technical, but lots of fun stories about
- travelling around the world (physically).
- Title: Firewalls and Internet Security
- Author: Cheswick/Bellovin
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley
- ISBN: 0-201-63357-4
- Price: $26.95
- Pages: ?
- Published: 1994
- For more information: firewall-book@research.att.com
- Thanks for the info:
- Notes: Practical suggestions for firewall construction and other aspects
- of Internet security.
- Title: From A to Z39.50: a network primer
- Author: James Michael and Mark Hinnebusch
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-766-6
- Price: $25
- Pages: 225
- Published: March 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes: Introduction and discussion about the issues and standards
- involves in electronic telecommunications.
- Title: A Guide for Accessing California Legislative Information over
- Internet
- Author: Legislative Counsel Bureau, State of California
- Publisher: State of California
- ISBN: none listed
- Price: free to California residents
- Pages: 30
- Published: 1994
- For more information: comments@leginfo.public.ca.gov
- Thanks for the info: Mike Quinn
- Notes: This pamphlet tells how you can find California legislative
- information online. Explains what legislation info is available, what
- assistance is available and how the information is organized. The
- majority of the book is spent explaining the Internet, how to get access,
- how to use electronic mail and where to go for more detailed information.
- There's also a simple glossary of legislative terms. This pamphlet is
- also available online, in PostScript format. Send e-mail:
- To: ftpmail@leginfo.public.ca.gov
- Body: connect leginfo.public.ca.gov
- get README_public_access_guide_ps
- quit
- Title: The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier
- Author: Bruce Sterling
- Publisher: Bantam
- ISBN: 0-553-08058-X
- Price: $23
- Pages: 352
- Published: 1992
- For more information: ?
- Thanks for the info: John Quarterman in RFC 1432
- Notes: An in-depth examination of the forces of law who try to deal with
- computer crime, and of the issues involved, written by one of the science
- fiction writers who invented cyberpunk. The real story behind Operation
- Sundevil and the Legion of Doom. Readable, informative, amusing, and
- necessary.
- Title: Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
- Author: Steven Levy
- Publisher: Anchor Press/Doubleday
- ISBN: 0-385-19195-2 (hard) 0-440-13405-6 (paper)
- Price: $17.95 / $4.95
- Pages: 458
- Published: 1984
- For more information: ?
- Notes: Describes the early culture and ethos of hackers and computer
- homebrewers and that ultimately resulted in the Internet and Usenet.
- Title: Hands-On Internet: A Beginning Guide for PC Users
- Author: David Sachs & Henry Stair
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- ISBN: 0-13-056392-7
- Price: $29.95
- Pages: 274
- Goodies: DOS disk
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes:
- Title: How The Internet Works
- Author: Joshua Eddings
- Publisher: Ziff-Davis Press
- ISBN: 1-56276-192-7
- Price: $US 24.95, $CAN 34.95, UK 22.99
- Pages: 218
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ab136@freenet.carleton.ca or 800/688-0448
- Thanks for the info: Dick Lee <ab136@freenet.carleton.ca>
- Notes: Very good primer on the Internet and how it works. There are many
- rich illustrations which serve to explain the concepts very effectively.
- Contents include the protocols, telnet, downloading files, archie, e-
- mail, mailing lists, Usenet, gophers, WAIS, WWW as well as a look into
- audio/video, virtual reality, security issues and the future. Of
- necessity, many of these are treated very briefly but as an overall
- introductory manual, I found it very readable and informative.
- Title: In acht Sekunden um die Welt (In eight seconds around the world)
- Language: German
- Author: Gunther Maier/Andreas Wildberger
- Publisher: Addison Wesley
- ISBN: 3-89319-701-X
- Price: DM 39.90 / oeS 311,00
- Pages: 160
- Published: released 1994 (Second edition)
- For more information: wildberg@nestroy.wu.wien.ac.at
- Thanks for the info: pcsaal15@fub46.zedat.fu-berlin.de (Lutz Lademann)
- Notes: It's a quite comprehensive introduction to the Internet, its
- history and the services available (Mail, News, Gopher, FTP, Telnet, WWW
- and more). For more information about the book mail one of the authors:
- wildberg@nestroy.wu.wien.ac.at (Andreas Wildberger.) Three chapters of
- this book are available via WWW:
- URL: http://rektorat.wu-wien.ac.at/stuff/netzbuch.html
- Title: The Instant Internet Guide
- Author: Brent Heslop & David Angell
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley
- ISBN: 0-201-62707-8
- Price: $14.95
- Pages: 209
- Published: 3rd printing.
- For more information: dangell@shell.portal.com
- Thanks for the info: matisse@well.sf.ca.us (J Matisse Enzer)
- Notes: Good quick intro to Internet and quick reference sections on using
- e-mail, usenet, gopher, telnet, file transfers, very basic UNIX etc. Nice
- check-list of questions to ask when shopping for Internet access.
- Oriented entirely towards a dial-up terminal user on a unix system.
- Title: Internet Access Providers: An International Resource Directory
- Author: Greg Notess
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-933-2
- Price: $30
- Pages: 330
- Published: May 1994
- For more information: meckler@tigger.jvnc.net (publisher) or
- align@montana.edu (author)
- Notes: This directory provides descriptive information on over 300
- companies and networks that offer dial-in Internet access. Aimed at those
- without current access, looking for personal access.
- Title: The Internet and Special Librarians: Use, Training and the Future
- Author: Sharyn Lander Hope Tillman
- Publisher: Special Libraries Association
- ISBN: 0-87111-413-5
- Price: $34.95
- Pages: 187
- Published: 1993
- For more information: tillman@babson.edu or sla1@capcon.net
- Notes: Implications of a study of special librarians' use of the Internet
- and the future of librarianship. Includes a glossary, primer on Internet
- basics, resources and how to get connected.
- Title: The Internet at a Glance
- Author: Susan E. Feldman
- Publisher: Datasearch
- ISBN: None listed
- Price: $7
- Pages: 10
- Published: 1994
- For more information: Susan Feldman <suef@TC.Cornell.EDU>
- Thanks for the info: Susan Feldman <suef@TC.Cornell.EDU>
- Notes: A collection of "cheatsheets" for the 'net. It's very short (only
- 10 thin pages) but it covers the very basics for using the Internet and
- UNIX. Topics include Finding Resources on the Internet, Tools, electronic
- mail, anonymous FTP, telnet, mailing lists and newsgroups, basic UNIX
- commands and the vi editor.
- Title: Internet Basics
- Author: Steve Lambert & Walt Howe
- Publisher: Random House
- ISBN: 0-679-75023-1
- Price: $27.00
- Pages: 495
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ?
- Thanks for the info: Gayle Keresey (aflgayle@aol.com)
- Notes: General book on the Internet with a slight slant towards Delphi.
- (Howe is Delphi's Internet SIG Manager.)
- Title: The Internet Companion, A Beginner's Guide To Global Networking
- Author: Tracy LaQuey with Jeanne C. Ryer
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing
- ISBN: 0-201-62224-6
- Price: $10.95
- Pages: 196
- Published: 1993
- For more information: internet-companion@world.std.com
- Thanks for the info: Robert Slade <ROBERTS@decus.ca>
- Notes: The Companion includes a detailed history of the Internet, a
- discussion on "netiquette" (network etiquette), and how to find resources
- on the net. It is difficult to know what is supposed to be
- "companionable" about this volume. Physically, it would be easy to carry
- it along with you. You probably wouldn't want to, though. This is not a
- guide for explorations, either. It does give one some background on the
- Internet, but it is not in a step-by-step fashion. (How to access the
- Internet is the *last* topic to be covered.) The newcomer to the
- Internet will more likely want to read it all (possibly at one sitting;
- it's small enough) and look at the network gestalt. This work is somewhat
- less technical than the UNIX biased "Whole Internet Guide". However, it
- goes too far in the opposite direction. The authors boast that it was
- finished in less than two months. It shows. Companies which are getting
- into the Internet in a big way might make this the introductory volume
- for new users: it is generally upbeat and non-threatening. However, help
- should be on hand when people actually start using the net.
- Title: The Internet Companion Plus
- Author: Tracy LaQuey & Jeanne Ryer
- Publisher: Addison Wesley
- ISBN: 0-201-62719-1
- Price: $19.95
- Pages: ?
- Goodies: DOS disk
- Published: 1993
- For more information: $19.95
- Notes:
- Title: The Internet Complete Reference
- Author: Harley Hahn & Rick Stout
- Publisher: Osborne McGraw-Hill
- ISBN: 0-07-881980-6
- Price: $29.95
- Pages: 818
- Published: ?
- For more information: ?
- Notes:
- Title: The Internet Connection: System Connectivity and Configuration
- Author: by John S. Quarterman and Smoot Carl-Mitchell
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley
- ISBN: 0-201-54237-4
- Price: $32.25
- Pages: 271
- Published: 1994
- For more information: awbook@aw.com
- Notes: According to the publisher, this book gives step-by-step
- instruction on connection to the Internet for system designers, system
- administrators and their managers, offers assistance in setting up
- naming, mail and news systems and explains the use of common Internet
- services such as archie, WAIS, and Gopher.
- Title: Internet Connections: A Librarian's Guide to Dial-Up Access and
- Use
- Author: Engle, Mary E., et al.
- Publisher: American Library Association
- ISBN: 0-8389-7677-8
- Price: $22.00
- Pages: 166
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ?
- Notes:
- Title: The Internet Directory
- Author: Eric Braun
- Publisher: Fawcett Columbine
- ISBN: 0-449-90898-4
- Price: $25.00
- Pages: 704
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Thanks for the info: Gayle Keresey (aflgayle@aol.com)
- Notes: Each chapter in this book covers a particular information service
- or resource type, including mailing lists, newsgroups, FTP archives,
- Gophers, WAIS, WWW, etc. All sources have been verified. Extensive index.
- A must have for Internet surfers.
- Title: Internet Essentials
- Author: ?
- Publisher: Que College
- ISBN: ?
- Price: ?
- Pages: ?
- Published: Feb 1994
- For more information: ?
- Thanks for the info: Connie Marijs <otsgroup@pop.knoware.nl>
- Notes: {Unsure if this actually exists.} A Jump-Start to Getting on the
- Internet. This guide will help you to learn what the Internet is and how
- it works; get connected to this world-wide network; understand the basics
- of how to navigate the Internet; take advantage of newsgroups, electronic
- conferencing, and electronic journals; expand your access to information
- and data through FTP and Telnet. Readers follow concise, 10-minute
- lessons to learn about everything from hardware to E-mail, from
- downloading files to participating newsgroups. Contains mini-tutorials,
- specific directions, how-to information.
- Title: The Internet for Dummies
- Author: John Levine & Carol Baroudi
- Publisher: IDG Books
- ISBN: 1-56884-024-1
- Price: $19.95
- Pages: 355
- Published: 1993
- For more information: (415) 312-0650 or dummies@iecc.com
- Thanks for the info: Graham Keith Rogers <scgkr@mucc.mahidol.ac.th>
- Notes: Intended as a beginners guide to the Internet, includes useful
- sections on mail, gopher, news, ftp, etc. All in a fairly light-hearted
- style intended to set novices at ease. At over 350 pages, there is much
- information and the book is well indexed. For those who have a direct
- connection, i.e. SLIP or PPP.
- Title: Internet: Getting Started
- Author: April Marine, Susan Kirkpatrick, Vivian Neou & Carol Ward
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- ISBN: 0-13-327933-2
- Price: $28.00
- Pages: 360
- Published: 1993
- For more information: (515) 284-6751
- Notes: Explains how to join the Internet, the various types of Internet
- access, and procedures for obtaining a unique IP address and domain name.
- An extensive list of Internet access providers of all types is provided,
- including access outside of the United States. The guide explains many
- concepts essential to the Internet, such as the Domain Name System, IP
- addressing, protocols, and electronic mail. Doesn't tell you how to use
- the 'net, just how to get connected.
- Title: The Internet Guide for New Users
- Author: Daniel P Dern
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill
- ISBN: Paperback 0-07-016511, Hardcover 0-07-016510-6
- Price: Paperback $27.95, Hardcover $40.00
- Pages: 570
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ddern@world.std.com
- Notes: A very complete introduction to the world of the Internet. Along
- with the obligatory topics such as telnet, FTP and Archie, the book
- suggests how to get an Internet account and teaches enough UNIX to
- survive on the net. This book is more complete and in-depth than many
- other Internet books: Dern's deep knowledge of all things Internet shines
- through, although sometimes the book is a bit too formal. The book, like
- Dern, is laced with dry humor and is UNIX-centric. Highly recommended.
- Title: Internet Instant Reference
- Author: Paul E. Hoffman
- Publisher: Sybex
- ISBN: 0-7821-1512-8
- Price: $12.99
- Pages: 317
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes: This book is part quick reference, part lexicon and part Internet
- tutorial. Arranged in dictionary format, it defines Internet jargon (like
- shareware and hypertext) gives brief descriptions of tools (like Knowbot
- and Listserv), includes short command summaries for using popular
- programs (like FTP, emacs and elm), and describes various 'net
- organizations, policies and legislature. Nice design and layout. This
- book contains a wide variety of information, but is sort of unevenly
- edited and contains some factual errors that might not be clear to
- newbies (for instance, in one section it confuses the terms upload and
- download.)
- Title: The Internet Library: Case Studies of Library Internet Management
- and Use
- Author: Julie Still, ed.
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-965-0
- Price: $37.50
- Pages: 200
- Published: June 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes: The case studies in this volume focus on how electronic resources
- have changed relationships with the library and on the way libraries
- relate to the larger world.
- Title: Internet: Mailing Lists
- Author: Edward Hardie & Vivian Neou
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- ISBN: 0-13-289661-3
- Price: $26.00
- Pages: 356
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ?
- Notes: A list of Internet mailing list. Note that a current "list of
- lists" is available online for free, both via Usenet and FTP.
- Title: The Internet Message: Closing the Book with Electronic Mail
- Author: Marshall Rose
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- ISBN: 0-13-092941-7
- Price: $44.00
- Pages: ?
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ?
- Notes: Technical discussion of mail agent and system design
- Title: The Internet Navigator
- Author: Paul Gilster
- Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- ISBN: 0-471-59782-1
- Price: $24.95
- Pages: 470
- Published: Aug. 1993
- For more information: (800) 263-1590 or gilster@rock.concert.net
- Thanks for the info: Gayle Keresey (aflgayle@aol.com)
- Notes: Information for the dial-up Internet user. Includes Internet
- history, signing on to the net, UNIX commands, getting files, telnet,
- electronic mail, BITNET, electronic journals, Usenet, gophers and
- Internet resources. Useful for those who want step-by-step instructions
- for dial-up terminal access. Somewhat academic in tone.
- Title: The Internet Passport: NorthWestNet's Guide to Our World Online
- Author: Jonathan Kochmer
- Publisher: NorthWestNet and the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium
- ISBN: 0-9635281-0-6
- Price: $29.95
- Pages: 516
- Published: 4th ed.
- For more information: (206) 562-3000 or e-mail passport@nwnet.net. Order
- forms can be obtained via FTP as: ftp.nwnet.net/user-
- docs/passport/nonmem-order-form.txt
- Thanks for the info: Robert Slade <ROBERTS@decus.ca>
- Notes: Covers everything from net etiquette to supercomputers; very
- comprehensive. This work is a fairly bare bones and no nonsense guide to
- the Internet. The book is orderly, and the explanations and illustrations
- are clear. Each chapter covers a single topic and ends with additional
- references, most often online materials or sources. The work is well
- researched and highly competent in most cases. There is, in the early
- chapters, a gracelessness to it which lacks any kind of appeal.
- Nevertheless, it is a thoroughly researched and valuable reference for
- those interested in using the resources of the Internet. It costs $39.95
- but schools and not-for-profit organizations can buy it for $19.95 plus
- shipping.
- Title: Internet Primer for Information Professionals: A Basic Guide to
- Internet Networking Technology
- Author: Elizabeth Lane and Craig Summerhill
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-831-X
- Price: $37.50
- Pages: 175
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ?
- Notes: Description of the current state of the Internet, as well as the
- proposed NREN, as well as basic information on network usage and
- concepts.
- Title: Internet Public Access Guide
- Author: Phil Hughes
- Publisher: SSC Publications
- ISBN: 0-916151-70-0
- Price: $2.95
- Pages: 64
- Published: 1994
- For more information: sales@ssc.com or (206) 527-3385.
- Thanks for the info: Graham Keith Rogers <scgkr@mucc.mahidol.ac.th>
- Notes: Graham Rodgers says: "64-page guide to Internet basics. Very easy
- to follow instructions, clearly set out. With the small size not
- everything can be included but the price represents good value. The paper
- cover deteriorates with use." I say: A whole lot of information for the
- money. Well-presented, simple and above all, short. Covers "What is the
- Internet?", terms, UNIX basics, e-mail, Usenet, FTP, rlogin and telnet,
- finger, archie, gopher and veronica. Easy-to-follow examples. They'll
- sell you just one, but the book is primarily intended to be sold to
- service providers and distributed to their users.
- Title: Internet Quickstart
- Author: Mary Ann Pike and Tod G. Pike
- Publisher: Que
- ISBN: 1-56529-658-3
- Price: $21.99
- Pages: 387
- Published: March 1994
- For more information: 800-428-5331 or 317-581-3500
- Thanks for the info: Connie Marijs <otsgroup@pop.knoware.nl>
- Notes: A series of quick tutorials, this book explains Internet basics to
- absolute beginners. Lots of extras - like buzzword definitions, tips, and
- warnings - help users get more from this premier online service. Task
- oriented skill sessions cover topics such as log-on, E-Mail, database
- searches, Internet news and more.
- Title: The Internet Resource Quick Reference
- Author: William Tolhurst
- Publisher: Que
- ISBN: ?
- Price: ?
- Pages: ?
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes: Contains a list of USENET news groups, a list of publicly
- accessible mailing lists, Scott Yanoff's list of online resources and the
- Inter-Network Mail Guide. All of this information is available online.
- Title: The Internet Roadmap
- Author: Bennett Falk
- Publisher: Sybex
- ISBN: 0-7821-1365-6
- Price: $12.99
- Pages: 263
- Published: 1994
- Thanks for the info: David M. Stevenson <david@dms.muc.de>
- Notes: David M. Stevenson says, "This book is written by someone who is
- concerned that the reader get a good grasp of the Internet system
- quickly. In my case he succeeded; and what he can do for me, he can do
- for you!" I say: This book is a winner. It explains the basics of the
- Internet in a clear and concise style. Covers the tools for reading
- Usenet news, doing e-mail, using FTP, gopher and WorldWideWeb. Doesn't
- get into the newer, funkier tools too much. It's an easy read and doesn't
- get bogged down in esoteric, dull stuff. I even like the cover.
- Title: Internet shouyouka ni mukete (CIX) (Feasibility Reserch for
- Commercial Internet in Japan)
- Language: Japanese
- Author: SI Division
- Publisher: Toppan
- ISBN: 4-8101-8907-4
- Price: 1600 Yen (Around $16)
- Pages: 142
- Published: November 1993
- For more information: ?
- Thanks for the info: Hideyuki Matsushima (hideyuki@apic.or.jp)
- Notes: This is the first and only book on commercial Internet service in
- Japan. Published as reserch report, its purpose is to clarify Internet
- status in the United States and business feasibility study on CIX in
- Japan. Coverage includes: What is Internet and its historical story in
- the US, Structure of commercial service in Internet, Image of commercial
- Internet in Japan. Report covers the feasibility of Internet withing
- various regulated Japanese environments. It is must-read book for
- companies in Japan wishing enter the Internet business.
- Title: The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh
- Author: Adam Engst
- Publisher: Hayden Books
- ISBN: 1-56830-064-6
- Price: $29.95
- Pages: 640
- Goodies: Mac floppy disk filled with great software
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ace@tidbits.com
- Notes: This terrific book (with a floppy disk) gives Macintosh users the
- complete scoop on getting connected to the Internet using PPP, SLIP, etc.
- This is one of my very favorite Internet books because it's so readable.
- It's definitely the best one dedicated to Mac users.
- Title: Internet System Handbook
- Author: Danial Lynch and Marshall Rose
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley
- ISBN: 0-201-56741-5
- Price: $54.95
- Pages: ?
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ?
- Thanks for the info: Robert Slade <ROBERTS@decus.ca>
- Notes: Essays by people involved with the Internet. Strong on protocols,
- weak on direction. The book is divided into four parts. The first section
- deals with an historical and organizational background to the Internet.
- The second section, written by the people who built the Internet, deals
- with technical aspects of the major protocols and applications of the
- Internet. Part three, "Infrastructure," covers issues not centrally
- relevant to the operation of the Internet, but supporting its use:
- network performance and management, backbone and node tools, directory
- services and operational security. The bibliographic information
- contained in the book overall might be worth the price alone.
- Quarterman's contribution is carefully and fully researched and well
- organized. It includes not only texts, but periodicals and online sources
- as well.
- Title: The Internet Unleashed
- Author: Steve Bang, Martin Moore, Rick Gates, et al.
- Publisher: Sams Publishing
- ISBN: 0-672-30466-X
- Price: $44.95
- Pages: 1,380
- Goodies: 1 PC-format HD disk. (Macintosh users can mail in an enclosed
- coupon to receive a disk with similar Mac software for a nominal shipping
- and handling fee.)
- Published: April 1994
- Notes: This book is a huge tome, weighing in with 62 chapters plus 7
- appendices. It is co-written by a zillion authors, and falls in the
- "everything you could possibly ever want to know about the Internet"
- category, with blanket coverage of accessing the 'net from different
- types of home computers, networks and with high-speed connections. This
- book covers just about every Internet topic you can think of, from
- security to MUDs, from doing business on the 'net to copyright issues and
- problems. [The complete table of contents appears later in this document
- in the section "This Month's Featured Book.]
- Title: 1994 Internet White Pages
- Author: Seth Godin & James S. McBride
- Publisher: IDG Books
- ISBN: 1-56884-300-3
- Price: $29.95
- Pages: ?
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes: A thick book listing about 100,000 e-mail addresses. (Although
- that may seem like a lot, it's not very comprehensive.) Addresses are
- listed by last name and are also indexed by Internet domain name. This
- book may be useful for finding associates' e-mail addresses, but is
- probably no more useful than using one of the many 'net-based e-mail-
- address search utilities. The book is unevenly edited (I'm in there three
- times!) and was woefully out of date before the ink was dry.
- Title: The Internet Yellow Pages
- Author: Harley Hahn and Rick Stout
- Publisher: Osborne Publishing (McGraw Hill)
- ISBN: 0-07-882023-5
- Price: $27.95
- Pages: 447
- Published: 1994
- Thanks for the info: jeynes@adobe.com
- Notes: This is a summary book that is laid out like the phone book yellow
- pages, and includes descriptions of various services available on
- the Internet. Most of these services are Usenet newsgroups,
- established mailing lists, or ftp site/directory listings. It's an
- interesting, readable and unique way to present a catalog of stuff on the
- 'net.
- Title: Mac Internet Tour Guide
- Author: Michael Fraase
- Publisher: Ventana Press
- ISBN: 1-56604-062-0
- Price: $27.95
- Pages: 286
- Goodies: Mac floppy disk with a bit useful software. Periodic updates via
- e-mail. One month of free online time from MRNet.
- Published: 1993
- For more information: dilennox@aol.com or FTP to ftp.farces.com
- Notes: This book (with floppy disk) for Macintosh users helps newcomers
- get online and get acquainted with graphical Internet software "Fetch"
- and "Eudora".
- Title: Introducing the Internet: A Trainer's Workshop
- Author: Lee David Jaffe
- Publisher: Library Solutions Press
- ISBN: 1-882208-03-X (book alone) or 1-882208-05-6 (with diskettes)
- Price: $30.00 ($45.00 with diskettes)
- Pages: 92
- Published: 1994
- For more information: (510) 841-2636 or alipow@library.berkeley.edu
- Thanks for the info:
- Notes: The 2nd in a series of supplements to "Crossing the Internet
- Threshold. Based on trainer's handouts and script. A guide for trainers
- whose audience is made up of pre-Internet users.
- Title: Libraries and the Internet/NREN: Perspectives, Issues and
- Challenges
- Author: Charles McClure et al
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-824-7
- Price: $25
- Pages: 500
- Published: March 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes: This major study identifies key factors within the library and
- larger environments that will affect libraries' involvement in national
- networking policies.
- Title: Managing uucp and Usenet
- Author: ?
- Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
- ISBN: ?
- Price: ?
- Pages: ?
- Published: ?
- For more information: info@ora.com
- Thanks for the info:
- Notes: Intended for system administrators who need to set up and maintain
- UUCP connections or access Usenet, the book realizes that in the UNIX
- world many sysadmins are just plain folks. The necessary technical
- details are here, but presented in a logical and non-threatening manner.
- Title: The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems Worldwide
- Author: John S. Quarterman
- Publisher: Digital Press
- ISBN: 0-13-565607-9
- Price: $50.00
- Pages: ?
- Published: 1990
- For more information: ?
- Notes:
- Title: Navigating the Internet
- Author: Mark Gibbs & Richard Smith
- Publisher: Sams
- ISBN: 0-672-30362-0
- Price: $24.95
- Pages: 500
- Published: 1993
- For more information: 800-428-5331 or 317-581-3500
- Notes: <<To be reviewed in next edition of the booklist>>
- Title: Navigating the Internet, Deluxe Edition
- Author: Richard Smith and Mark Gibbs
- Publisher: Sams
- ISBN: 0-672-30485-6
- Price: $29.95
- Pages: 640
- Goodies: 1 PC-format HD disk. (Macintosh users can mail in an coupon to
- receive a Mac disk with similar software for a nominal shipping and
- handling fee) and one month free connect time
- Published: April 1994
- For more information: 800-428-5331 or 317-581-3500
- Notes: Nearly identical to Navigating the Internet (above) except it
- includes a disk with Internet Software for Microsoft Windows and a few
- extra chapters: "A Better Window on the Web: Mosaic", "Using the Internet
- for Business", as well as versions of the online references Gopher Jewels
- and PDIAL. I suppose it's worth the extra five bucks for this book versus
- the vanilla Navigating the Internet, especially if you use Windows and
- need the software.
- Title: Netiquette
- Author: Virginia Shea
- Publisher: Albion Books
- ISBN: 0-9637025-1-3
- Price: $19.95
- Pages: 154
- Published: 1994
- For more information: info@albion.com
- Notes: This slim book does an exellent job of helping those new to
- Cyberspace learn the basic tenants of network etiquette, or "netiquette".
- It's easy to read and loaded with intersting real-life examples. Chapters
- cover netiquette of e-mail and of discussion groups as well as providing
- excellent netiquette guidelines for business, home and school use.
- Particularly useful sections cover Electronic Style (looking good online,
- tone of voice and signature files) and the "core rules" of the online
- world. One chapter covers copyright issues and another the etiquette of
- e-mail privacy. There's even a tiny chapter on "Love & Sex in
- Cyberspace". This book should be required reading for anyone collecting
- their Internet Learner's Permit. (You can retrieve a brief excerpt from
- Netiquette: "The Core Rules of Netiquette" by sending email to
- netiquette-request@albion.com with the words "archive send core" in the
- subject line.)
- Title: Netguide
- Author: Peter Rutten, Albert Bayers III & Kelly Moloni
- Publisher: Random House
- ISBN: 0-679-75106-8
- Price: $19.00
- Pages: ?
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Thanks for the info: Educom newsletter
- Notes: As the "TV Guide of Cyberspace," this book provides pointers by
- subjects to Internet sites, USENET newsgroups, and commercial resources
- (CompuServe, American Online, etc.) It proves that there's something for
- everyone somewhere out in the electronic world.
- Title: NetPages
- Publisher: Aldea Communications
- ISBN: none listed
- Price: Free
- Pages: ~200
- Published: 1994 (updated twice a year)
- For more information: 619-943-0101 or e-mail to info@aldea.com
- Notes: Of the various Internet White and Yellow pages books out there,
- this one looks and acts the most like a "real" telephone book: personal
- listings of your name and e-mail address are free, advertising space in
- the yellow pages section is available for a fee, and the book itself it
- distributed for free. With only a few thousand names in the first
- edition, this listing is hardly the most complete, but it only contains
- information about people who choose to be listed.
- Title: NetPower: Resource Guide to Online Computer Services
- Author: Persson, Eric
- Publisher: Fox Chapel Publishing
- ISBN: 1-56523-031-0
- Price: $39.95 + $3.00 shipping
- Pages: 774
- Published: 1993
- For more information: netpower1@aol.com, 1-800-457-9112
- Notes: All I know is what their catalog says: The most exciting section
- of this guide is devoted to the Internet. Netpower includes a primer and
- tutorial on using the network, information on getting started and
- navigating with Internet tools, and hundreds of Internet accessible
- resources with contact information and descriptions. The guide will point
- you in the direction of millions of megabytes of information all yours
- free for the downloading around the Internet.
- Title: The New Hacker's Dictionary
- Author: edited by Eric Raymond and Guy L. Steele
- Publisher: MIT press
- ISBN: ISBN 0-262-18154-1
- Price: $10.95
- Pages: 453
- Published: 2nd edition, 1994.
- For more information: (800) 356-0343 or (617) 625-8481
- Thanks for the info :Petrea Mitchell
- <pravn@mvp.rain.com,@agora.rdrop.com>
- Notes: The New Hacker's Dictionary is a great book for learning about the
- various slang, jargon and customs and folklore of the 'net (as well as
- other lairs of the hacker.) Very silly and highly recommended. An FTPable
- version, called the Jargon File version 3.0, is available from
- rtfm.mit.edu, but the bound book makes great bathroom reading and
- contains silly cartoons and stuff.
- Title: New Riders' Official Internet Yellow Pages
- Author: Christine Maxwell and Czeslaw Jan Grycz
- Publisher: New Riders Publishing
- ISBN: 1-56205-306-X
- Price: $29.95
- Pages: 877
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes: <<Review to be included in next edition of the Booklist>>
- Title: On INTERNET 94: An International Title and Subject Guide to
- Electronic Journals, Newsletters, Texts, Discussion Lists, and Other
- Resources on the Internet
- Author: Internet World Magazine
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-929-4
- Price: $45.00
- Pages: 500
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes: "Your guide to the full range of Internet-accessible data files -
- from artificial intelligence to women's studies, from space exploration
- to rock music, from environment studies to AIDS research." Nearly 6,000
- mailing lists, electronic journals, archives, etc.
- Title: The Online User's Encyclopedia: Bulletin Boards and Beyond.
- Author: Bernard Aboba
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley
- ISBN: 0-201-62214-9
- Price: $32.95
- Pages: 806
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ?
- Thanks for the info: Gayle Keresey (aflgayle@aol.com)
- Notes: Comprehensive compendium of information and guide to bulletin
- boards and the computer networks they are connected to. First edition of
- this book was a manual for the BMUG BBS. Indispensable guide to
- connecting your modem to the world.
- Title: OPAC Directory 1994
- Author: Mecklermedia
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-962-6
- Price: $70
- Pages: 500
- Published: May 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes: A detailed listing of dial-in online public access catalogs and
- databases. Includes Accessing Online Bibliographic Databases, the
- annotated list of 700+ Internet-accessible OPACs.
- Title: PC Internet Tour Guide
- Author: Michael Fraase
- Publisher: Ventana Press
- ISBN: 1-56604-084-1
- Price: $24.95
- Pages: 284
- Goodies: PC floppy disk with useful software. Two periodic updates via e-
- mail. One month of free online time from MRNet.
- Published: 1994
- For more information: dilennox@aol.com
- Notes: This book (with floppy disk) for MS-DOS users helps newcomers get
- online and take their first steps on the 'net. Fraase first wrote the Mac
- Internet Tour Guide, and this book seems more like an afterthought than a
- follow-up. Chapters cover obligatory topics like What is the Internet,
- Getting Connected, Network News, Transferring Files, Using Gopher and
- Other Internet Resources. The book's organization leaves something to be
- desired: talk of telnet, FAQs and Netfind (hardly unimpoirtant topics)
- are lumped together in the "Other Resources" chapter near the back of the
- book. The book includes some interesting real-life examples and ideas for
- things to do online, but too much (for my taste) focuses on how to set up
- and use the bundled software.
- Title: Pocket Guides to the Internet: Volume 1 - Telnetting
- Author: Mark Veljkov & George Hartnell
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-943-X
- Price: $9.95
- Pages: 64
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes:
- Title: Pocket Guides to the Internet: Volume 2 - Transferring Files with
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- Author: Mark Veljkov & George Hartnell
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-944-8
- Price: $9.95
- Pages: 64
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes:
- Title: Pocket Guides to the Internet: Volume 3 - Using and Navigating
- Usenet
- Author: Mark Veljkov & George Hartnell
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-945-6
- Price: $9.95
- Pages: 64
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes:
- Title: Pocket Guides to the Internet: Volume 4 - The Internet E-Mail
- System
- Author: Mark Veljkov & George Hartnell
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-946-4
- Price: $9.95
- Pages: 64
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes:
- Title: Pocket Guides to the Internet: Volume 5 - Basic Internet Utilities
- Author: Mark Veljkov & George Hartnell
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-947-2
- Price: $9.95
- Pages: 64
- Published: 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes: ?
- Title: Pocket Guides to the Internet: Volume 6 - Terminal Connections
- Author: Mark Veljkov & George Hartnell
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-948-0
- Price: $9.95
- Pages: 64
- Published: 1994
- Notes:
- Title: Practical Internetworking with TCP/IP and UNIX
- Author: Carl-Mitchell/Quarterman
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley
- ISBN: tic@tic.com
- Price: ?
- Pages: ?
- Published: ?
- For more information: ?
- Notes:
- Title: Riding the Internet Highway
- Author: Sharon Fisher
- Publisher: New Riders Publishing
- ISBN: 1-56205-192-X
- Price: $16.95
- Pages: 266
- Published: 1993
- For more information: phyllis@prenhall.com
- Thanks for the info: Robert Slade <ROBERTS@decus.ca>
- Notes: Fisher shows admirable restraint in limiting the scope of this
- book. Where others try to produce "complete" documentation for the
- "whole" Internet, Fisher flatly states (correctly) that this is
- impossible. Where others try to take you "from the modem up," Fisher
- suggests you get some basic experience with local bulletin boards. The
- intent is to give desktop (PC and Mac) users some basic grounding in
- Internet functions and tools. As such, the book is much less imposing
- than most of the others of this ilk. (Cheaper, too.) For the majority of
- new users, however, this is a good, basic introduction. What shortcomings
- there are in specific information can be quickly filled in once a user
- has gotten onto the net. The very personal style here probably more than
- makes up for any other lacks--the Internet is primarily other people, not
- technologies.
- Title: SATURN: A Beginners Guide To Using the Internet
- Author: Kyle Cassidy
- Publisher: RCNJ Press
- ISBN: ?
- Price: $3
- Pages: 110
- Published: ?
- For more information: cassidy@saturn.rowan.edu
- Notes: This is the only Internet book that I know of.that is specifically
- for VAX/VMS users (you poor things.) The manual is somewhat specific for
- our VAX 4000, but it can be used by anyone who is netting with VMS. It's
- also available online for free, FTPable from:
- gboro.rowan.edu:/pub/Saturn_Guide
- Title: sendmail
- Author: Bryan Costales
- Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
- ISBN: 1-56592-056-2
- Price: $32.95
- Pages: 830
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ?
- Notes: While not strictly an Internet book, this tome focuses on one
- thing: the UNIX program sendmail, which is a huge part of how electronic
- mail moves around on the Internet. Mainly for system administrators, the
- book shows how to use every function, mode and mood of sendmail to get
- your e-mail where it's going. A great, if single-minded, book.
- Title: The Simple Book
- Notes: {I know nothing about this book. Do you?}
- Title: The Smiley Dictionary
- Author: Seth Godin
- Publisher: ?
- ISBN: ?
- Price: ?
- Pages: ?
- Published: ?
- For more information: ?
- Notes:
- Title: smileys
- Author: Lesley Strother
- Publisher: O’Reilly & Associates
- ISBN: 1-56592-041-4
- Price: 93
- Pages: 595
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ?
- Notes: A collection of 650 "smileys". While not an Internet book per se,
- smileys are certainly used enough on the Internet to warrant an entry
- here. :-)
- Title: TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1, The Protocols
- Author: W. Richard Stevens
- Publisher: Addison Wesley
- ISBN: 0-201-63346-9
- Price: ?
- Pages: 576
- Published: 1994
- For more information:
- Thanks for the info: Bob Stein <stein@gcomm.com> and Robert Slade
- <ROBERTS@decus.ca>
- Notes: Bob says: This textbook is the best way to understand the nuts and
- bolts of TCP/IP the Internets networking protocols. Great figures,
- diagrams, tables, and other references. (No volume 2 yet.) Robert says:
- Great text for the protocols of TCP/IP (illustrated by examples from a
- real network.)
- Title: TCP/IP Network Administration
- Author: Hunt
- Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
- ISBN: 0-937175-82-X
- Price: ?
- Pages: ?
- Published: 1992
- For more information: info@ora.com
- Notes:
- Title: Teach Yourself the Internet: Around the World in 21 Days
- Author: Neil Randall
- Publisher: Sams
- ISBN: 0-672-30519-4
- Price: $27.00
- Pages: 700
- Published: July 1994
- For more information: 800-428-5331 or 317-581-3500
- Thanks for the info: Connie Marijs <otsgroup@knoware.nl>
- Notes: This well-organized tutorial can be used by individuals, in
- seminars, training sessions, and classrooms. It takes readers on a global
- learning expedition of the Internet in just 21 fun-filled lessons.
- Title: Total SNMP
- Author: Harnedy
- Publisher: CBM Books
- ISBN: 1-878956-33-7
- Price: $45
- Pages: ?
- Published: 1994
- For more information: books@propress.com
- Notes:
- Title: The Traveler's Guide to the Information Highway
- Author: Dylan Tweney
- Publisher: Ziff Davis Press
- ISBN: 1-56276-206-0
- Price: $24.95
- Pages: 139
- Published: June 1994
- For more information: 72241.443@compuserve.com
- Notes: A guide to the Internet, CompuServe, Prodigy, America Online,
- Delphi, GEnie, and ZiffNet for CompuServe, this book is the first of its
- kind to feature real maps of each service, making it exceptionally easy
- to navigate the on-line world. There are also easy-to-follow instructions
- for using each one, plus tips, shortcuts, and pointers to the best and
- most interesting features. A comprehensive and easy-to-use introduction
- to the Internet and the largest commerical on-line services.
- Title: Using the Internet
- Author: William A. Tolhurst, Mary Ann Pike & Keith A. Blanton
- Publisher: Que
- ISBN: 1-56529-353-3
- Price: $39.95
- Pages: 1188
- Goodies: DOS disk
- Published: Jan. 1994
- For more information: tpike@pittslug.sug.org
- Thanks for the info: Gayle Keresey (aflgayle@aol.com)
- Notes: Introduction to, structure of, and history of the Internet.
- Finding and using resources, legal considerations, features and services,
- and tools and technology.
- Title: Using UUCP and Usenet
- Author: Grade Todino and Dale Dougherty
- Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
- ISBN: ?
- Price: ?
- Pages: 194
- Published: 1991
- For more information: ?
- Notes:
- Title: WAIS and Gopher Servers: a guide for librarians and Internet end-
- users
- Author: Eric Lease Morgan
- Publisher: Meckler
- ISBN: 0-88736-932-4
- Price: $30.00
- Pages: 150
- Published: March 1994
- For more information: ?
- Notes: The first book-length treatment of WAIS and Gopher servers.
- Title: Welcome to... Internet from Mystery to Mastery
- Author: Tom Badgett & Corey Sandler
- Publisher: MIS Press
- ISBN: 1-55828-308-0
- Price: $19.95
- Pages: 324
- Published: 1993
- For more information: ?
- Thanks for the info: Gayle Keresey (aflgayle@aol.com)
- Notes: Introduction to the Internet and its resources and navigational
- tools. The strength of this book is the chapter entitled "Collecting
- souvenirs on the Internet" which details subjects and tells you exactly
- where and how to find information about those subjects on the net.
- Title: The Whole Earth Online Almanac
- Author: Don Rittner
- Publisher: Brady
- ISBN: 1-56686-090-3
- Price: $32.95
- Pages: 540
- Published: 1993
- Notes: Covers America Online, CompuServe, GEnie, The WELL, FidoNet, the
- Internet and CD-ROMs. Each subject area includes applicable forums and
- databases, network discussion lists and other online sources and CD-ROMs.
- Title: The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog
- Author: Ed Krol
- Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
- ISBN: 1-56592-063-5
- Price: $24.95
- Pages: 572
- Published: 2nd edition, April 1994
- For more information: info@ora.com
- Notes: This book covers the basic utilities used to access the network
- and then guides users through the Internet's "databases of databases" to
- access the millions of files and thousands of archives available. It
- includes a resource index that covers a broad selection of approximately
- 300 important resources available on the Internet. The 2nd edition has
- been completely updated to reflect the development of new Internet tools,
- including Mosaic, MIME, tin, pine, xarchie and a greatly expanded
- resource catalog. Highly recommended.
- Title: Windows Internet Tour Guide
- Author: Michael Frasse
- Publisher: Ventana Press
- ISBN: 1-56604-081-7
- Price: $24.95
- Pages: 344
- Goodies: Windows disk. Two free electronic updates via e-mail. One month
- of free online time from MRNet.
- Published: 1994
- For more information: dilennox@aol.com
- Notes: <<To be reviewed in next edition on the booklist>>
- Title: Your Internet Consultant: The FAQs of Life Online
- Author: Kevin M. Savetz
- Publisher: Sams
- ISBN: 0-672-30520-8
- Price: $25.00
- Pages: 600
- Published: July 1994
- For more information: 800-428-5331 or 317-581-3500
- Notes:
- Title: Zen & the Art of Internet
- Author: Brendan Kehoe
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- ISBN: 0-13-121492-6
- Price: $23.95
- Pages: 193
- Published: 3rd ed., Jan. 1994
- For more information: (515) 284-6751 or phyllis@prenhall.com
- Thanks for the info: matisse@well.sf.ca.us (J Matisse Enzer)
- Notes: This guide should give you a reference to consult if you're
- curious about what can be done with the Internet. It also presents the
- fundamental topics that are all too often assumed and considered trivial
- by many network users. It covers the basic utilities and information
- reaching other networks. An earlier, much less comprehensive version is
- available via FTP; see previous section. Matisse Enzer says: Very
- friendly general overview book. Not really a how-to book, rather a
- Cultural Companion that explain what each type of Internet resource is,
- as well as the cultural and traditional uses and issues. Includes a
- chapter on "Things you will hear about..." this chapter explains many
- famous (and infamous) Internet events and entities.
- Title: !%@:: A Directory of Electronic Mail Addressing and Networks
- Author: Donnalyn Frey & Rick Adams
- Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
- ISBN: 1-56592-031-7
- Price: $24.95
- Pages: 458
- Published: 1993
- For more information: 800-998-9938 or info@ora.com
- Thanks for the info: Robert Slade <ROBERTS@decus.ca>
- Notes: This book is a reference work. It details the various computer
- networks with gateways to the Internet. It is common to cite such works
- as "indispensable": in fact, most users, and even site managers, muddle
- along quite happily without it. Quick reference "electronic" versions
- exist of very similar documents, which provide the addressing schemes for
- the more common network and commercial service gateways. Frey and Adams
- have, however, put together a very complete and interesting reference,
- and I do suggest it to anyone managing, or using, extensive email
- correspondence. As a user of electronic mail, or the manager of a small
- Internet node or UUCP site, it would be hard to say that you "need" this
- book. If, however, you are at all interested in the topic of email, you
- will find this fascinating and useful.
- *** Upcoming titles {let me know if any of these are out yet!}
- Internet CD - SRI International
- Resource tool - Includes CD
- ISBN 013-123852-3 04/94 NEW to be published
- Internet: Domain Administration - Vivian Neou: SRI International
- ISBN 013-511180-3 04/94 NEW to be published
- Internet Technology Series: Domain Name System - Paul Mockapetris
- ISBN 013-106865-2 05/94 NEW to be published
- "The Internet Book: Everything You Need to Know About Computer
- Networking and How the Internet Works", Comer - very good explanation of
- what the Internet is, how it works and how it came about, all at a level
- for the non-technical reader (coming in June)
- Your Internet Consultant: The FAQs of Life Online -Kevin M. Savetz (the
- editor of this booklist.) Sams publishing, ISBN: 0-672-30520-8. $25.00,
- 600 pages. to be published July 1994. For more information: 800-428-5331
- or 317-581-3500
- *** Publisher/Ordering Information
- Addison-Wesley. E-mail: 74230.3622@compuserve.com. Orders: (800) 822-
- 6339. "Have your credit card handy!"
- Meckler Corporation. (203) 226-6967.Fax: (203) 545-5840. 11 Ferry Lane
- West, Westport, CT 06880.
- Macmillan Computer Publishing (Sams, Hayden, New Riders, Que, Alpha)
- orders: 800-428-5331 or 317-581-3500
- O'Reilly & Associates: info@ora.com. 707-829-0515, Fax 707-829-0104. 103A
- Morris Street, Sebastopol CA 95472.
- Prentice-Hall. E-mail: info@prenhall.com or gopher: gopher.prenhall.com.
- 515-284-6751. Fax: 515-284-2607. Route 9W, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632.
- *** Internet Book Information & Updates Online
- The Top Ten Internet Book List is a weekly list that lists the top ten
- Internet Books sold in Europe. The list represents the ten most popular
- titles of Prentice Hall, Sams, Que and other publishers, based on weekly
- sales. It also announces new Internet books to be released. To subscribe,
- send e-mail to: otsgroup@pop.knoware.nl
- Addison-Wesley information server, for periodic updates on new titles
- from this publisher. Send e-mail:
- To: awbook@aw.com
- Subject: information
- Body: send information
- O'Reilly & Associates information server, for periodic updates on new
- titles from this publisher. Send e-mail:
- To: listproc@online.ora.com
- Subject: <leave blank>
- Body: subscribe ora-news "Your name" of "Your Company"
- { Any additions for me?}
- ***Legal, Ethical and Moral Stuff
- This document is copyright 1994 by Kevin M. Savetz. All rights reserved.
- Permission for the following types of distribution is hereby granted,
- provided that this file is distributed intact, including the above
- copyright notice:
- - non-commercial distribution
- - posting to Internet archives, BBSs and online services
- - distribution by teachers, librarians and Internet trainers
- - inclusion on software/FAQ/Internet-oriented CD-ROMS
- Permission for commercial distribution may be obtained from the editor.
- This document is new and in transition. If you notice that an Internet-
- related book is missing, or information herein needs updating, please
- contact the editor.
- The editor and contributors have developed this FAQ as a service to the
- Internet community. We hope you find it useful. This FAQ is purely a
- volunteer effort. Although every effort has been made to insure that
- answers are as accurate as possible, no guarantee is implied or intended.
- While the editor tries to keep this document current, remember that the
- Internet and the publishing world are constantly changing, so don't be
- surprised if you happen across statements which are obsolete. If you do,
- please send corrections to the editor. Corrections, questions, and
- comments should be sent to Kevin Savetz at "savetz@rahul.net" (Internet)
- or "savetz" (America Online.) Please indicate what version of this
- document to which you are referring.
- All prices in U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated.
- Thanks to Pieter M. Lechner, UCLA Microcomputer Support Office, for his
- bibliography of 50 Internet books. Thanks to Connie Marijs
- <otsgroup@pop.knoware.nl> for her continued assistance. Thanks to
- matisse@well.sf.ca.us (J Matisse Enzer) for allowing me to pilfer bits of
- book reviews. Many thanks to Robert Slade <ROBERTS@decus.ca> for his
- copious book reviews.
- *** Where to Find this Document
- This file is posted twice monthly (on the 5th and 19th of each month) to
- the Usenet newsgroups alt.internet.services, alt.online-service,
- alt.books.technical, misc.books.technical, alt.bbs.internet,
- misc.answers, alt.answers and news.answers.
- You can receive it via anonymous FTP:
- rtfm.mit.edu:/pub/usenet/news.answers/internet-services/book-list
- You can receive it via electronic mail:
- To: mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
- Subject: <subject line is ignored>
- Body: send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/internet-booklist
- You can receive each new edition of this document automatically via
- electronic mail, if you are so inclined. This is a low-volume list, with
- updates every few weeks. Note that the following address is my personal
- e-mail box, filtered by a very simple mail filter. Your request must go
- in the SUBJECT line EXACTALLY as shown below. Anything else will find its
- way into my e-mail box rather than to the subscription program.
- To: savetz@rahul.net
- Subject: subscribe booklist
- Body: <ignored>
- ###end of document###